Coming Soon...
Code of Conduct
1. Know the rules and abide by them.
2. Instruct team members in the rules and coach his/her team in such a way as to motivate each player to compete according to the rules at all times.
3. Respect the game officials and refrain from questioning their decisions in a disrespectful or abusive manner.
4. Ensure that fans of his/her team conduct themselves with sportsmanship and maturity at all times while in attendance at game sites.
5. Respect the coaches and players of the opposing team both during the play of the game and at its conclusion, win and lose.
6. Maintain control of his/her emotions and avoid actions, language and/or gestures that may be interpreted as hostile and humiliating.
7. Instruct team support personnel (e.g., assistant coaches, scorekeepers and others) in their responsibilities in accordance with established rules and procedures.
8. Teach each player, especially through personal example, to be humble and generous in victory and proud and courteous in defeat.
9. Realize, accept and practice the principle that a team’s reputation is built not only on its playing ability, but also on its sportsmanship, courtesy, and manners.
1. Respect the rules of the game.
2. Respect the game officials and refrain from questioning their decisions or from addressing them in a loud, disrespectful or abusive manner.
3. Cheer for their team in a positive, supportive manner, refraining at all times from making hostile, negative, or abusive remarks about the opposing team.
4. Enter the playing facility quietly; remain seated during play of the game.
5. Refrain at all times from going onto the floor, from throwing objects or other foreign materials onto the floor, and exit in an orderly manner at the conclusion of the game.
6. Follow all building rules and regulations, respecting at all times the property of others.
7. Demonstrate appropriate gestures of sportsmanship at the conclusion of a game, win or lose.
8. Attend a mandatory orientation on the ATLANTA SELECT BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION before your child is approved to participate. (Parents only).
9. Realize, accept, and practice the principle that a team’s reputation is built not only on its playing ability, but also on the sportsmanship, courtesy, and citizenship of its fans.